Tuesday, December 19, 2006
RE: Lonliness
I agree with Bryan (Comment found here)...
Lately, inspired in part by John Ortberg's The Life You've Always Wanted, I am trying to retrain myself to "train" instead of "try." By this, I mean that I am using each experience, in the context of your post, each connection, to better my understanding of the thing, and how to improve it for the future. Case in point: I had a hard time for a long time seeing girls here in Seattle as anything other than potential girlfriends. Definite barrier to a legitimate connection as the reality was that as long as I maintained that thought process, I would never get to know any of them well enough to date them. So I trained myself to literally see them as "sisters" in Christ. That is looking at them through the same eyes that I see Amanda. There was a dramatic change in my "connection" with them, resulting in me being much more empathetic to girls in general and not saddling them with all of my problems and preconceptions. This let me really get to know them, though I am still a bit slow on letting them get to know me. Ironically now I am faced with the challenge of contextualizing my relationships as the knowledge that I have and relationship that I have formed with two of them have really exceeded what is probably appropriate for a guy-girl non-dating connection.
Back to your issue at hand. I would say that a lot of the problems with people connecting are built on what Bryan said. There is an existing preconception of what a connection/friendship/relationship is supposed to look like in completion, when in fact; there is no completion, but rather a continuum of experiences. When people fail to see the continuum and don't aquire their preconception, they assume failure and cease to try, resulting in stagnation and a feeling of a lack of connection.
I think this continuum ties in tightly with my ideas on love, but more on that later.
I would also play around with the idea of the different types of connection. Emotional, rational, spiritual, etc. I think that our interpersonal connections may reflect the balance and proclivities of our souls in that respect and the best connections are on all levels, but I have said enough on this for this arena and Jason deserves a chance to respond.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Commenting On Sex Drive Daily
Regina Lynn of Sex Drive Daily, one of the Wired Blogs wrote about the effect of the publicity of one of her posts. Apparently, it caused a backlash that lead Wapfly, a mobile media content provider to strongly curb the content of BowChicaMobile an adult affiliate of the media provision company.
Read about it here. While her article definetly had overtones suggesting that this was censorship, the comment section proceeded to run rampant. Take a look, as it got fun fast!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
So true!
"There are two types of people--those who come into a room and say, 'Well, here I am!' and those who come in and say, 'Ah, there you are.'"
- Frederick L Collins
I said I would edit this with my thoughts so here goes...
I was trying to figure out which type of person I am and which person I want to be. This lead me to question which is actually better and I came to the conclusion that while the speaker implies the later to be the superior attitude, either can be appropriate. On self-reflection, I am definitely an observer who would comment about others first in most situations, even though my own interior monologue at the moment would be saying the opposite. It is almost completely a question of unpretentious self-assessment. For example, a performer unsure of their skill, suddenly pushed on stage, may utter under their breath, "Well, here I am!" and go on with the show, where as a parent who has spent the last half-hour searching Costco for their lost child, has been hear grumbling "Ah, there you are." Similarly, as God walked through the Garden of Eden after the fall of Man, He seemingly remarked "Ah, there you are." while due to their nakedness, Adam and Eve were very reluctant to voice the other sentiment. However, in order to receive restoration from that fall, there is a requirement to cease to attempt to patch ourselves and instead, present our brokenness and cry out "Well, here I am!" After which, having established a relationship with Jesus Christ, it is conceivable to say”Ah, here we are!" and push on towards the finish.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
E-Harmony thinks I should find her...
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Social Orientation describes how much of your behavior is motivated by the desire to get along with and be liked by other people, as well as how much is driven by the desire to be seen as an effective problem solver who is self sufficient. People with a strong External Orientation place a high value on communicating their thoughts and feelings with other people. People with a strong Internal Orientation place a high value on individual effectiveness, competence and autonomy. The dimensions that we assess as part of your Social Orientation are Conflict Management, Character, Vitality and Security, Communication Style, Kindness and Autonomy. Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Communication: Your ideal mate truly enjoys conversations. She talks easily with almost anyone and rarely runs out of things to say. She will be open in expressing her thoughts and observations about life and will want you to do the same. She's social, so she likes things like talking on the telephone or leisurely conversations over a cup of coffee. Some additional details about your ideal mate:
Autonomy: You will be best matched with someone who wants to know all of the important things about your past. She'll be equally interested in living in the present and planning a future. She won't need to know every detail about your life or every thought that crosses your mind. She's the kind of person who sees herself as part of a couple but still maintains her independence and identity. Vitality and Security: You need a woman who is honest and reliable. She has a good understanding of what it takes to make a relationship work over the long haul. She wants to build a relationship that will last but doesn't need you for constant support. Conflict Resolution: You'll be happiest with a woman who tries to avoid conflict altogether. When she does have a disagreement, she tries to keep the peace instead of adding fuel to the fire. Resolving the argument is generally more important to her than being right, but she will stand up for herself. |
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The Extraversion scale assesses how you feel when you are around people. Extroverts are generally comfortable at the center of attention. They rarely feel a need for "alone time" and are almost always eager to meet new people. Introverts, on the other hand, avoid the spotlight when they can, approach many social gatherings with hesitation, and relish time spent with good friends whom they know well. While most people exhibit a mix of Introvert and Extrovert qualities based on what kind of social situation they are in, people who are strongly Extroverted often place the largest value on having many friends and making new friends easily. In contrast, people who are strongly Introverted generally place the highest value on having a few very deep and meaningful friendships. The dimensions of your profile which are associated with Extraversion are Emotional Energy, Sociability, Adaptability, Humor, Romantic Passion and Dominance. Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Humor: Your ideal mate can see the lighter side in most situations. She is generally able to find something funny in everyday situations, like uptight waiters or rebellious teenagers. She likes to be around people who make her laugh. Her friends see her as someone who has a good sense of humor but who can be serious when it's necessary. Some additional details about your ideal mate:
Emotional Energy: You'll be happiest with a woman who's outgoing and vivacious but doesn't need to always be on the move. She'd generally rather do something than talk about it, whether it's a new hobby or a project at work. Dominance: You are best suited to someone who doesn't take competition to extremes. She likes to win but doesn't need to do so at all costs. She is aggressive when the situation warrants it, such as when vying for a promotion or playing tennis in front of a crowd, but can accept a loss with grace. Sociability: You'll be happiest with a woman who likes to spend time with old friends and make new ones. She might not always be the first to strike up a conversation with a stranger, but she is rarely tongue-tied once the conversation is underway. At parties, she's the type of person who isn't afraid to venture outside her group of friends. |
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Openness refers to a person's willingness to experience new and creative ideas. People who score low on Openness tend to place a high value on tradition and belonging to a group. People who score high on Openness tend to place a high value on imagination and individualism. Extreme scores on Openness also often distinguish between people who enjoy thinking in symbols and abstractions to people who prefer ideas which are clear and concrete. The dimensions of your profile that we consider as part of Openness are Artistic Passion, Curiosity and Intellect. Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Intellect: Your ideal mate is creative, rational and quick-witted. She generally makes decisions by gathering the relevant data, putting it into context and weighing the options. Other people might see her as someone who "overthinks" life, but she thinks it's important to come to logically supported conclusions. She has a wide variety of interests, such as science, philosophy and history. Artistic Passion: You are best suited to the kind of woman who can appreciate others' creativity. She likes art galleries but probably doesn't get to them very often. She likes things like literature and fine art but probably spends her spare time on other pursuits. It's possible she would visit some of the world's top museums while on vacation but then neglect the ones in her hometown. |
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Physicality separates people who enjoy being physically energetic and active from those who are uncomfortable or dislike engaging in sports or strenuous activity. Some people push life to the limit, scaling mountains or competing in triathlons. People with a less demanding sense of Physicality enjoy looking at mountains more than climbing them. The dimensions of your profile which compose the most important aspects of your Physicality are Appearance, Physical Energy and Sexual Passion. Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Sexual Passion: You'll be most fulfilled by the kind of woman who believes sex is an important part of a great relationship, but not the only part. She is looking for physical chemistry with a man, the kind of spark that comes from genuine romantic attraction. However, she also appreciates that there is more to a "real relationship" than sex. Appearance: You are most compatible with a woman who wants to look good but doesn't obsess over it. She will appreciate the time and effort you put into your appearance and be happy with the end result. Ultimately, however, she is more concerned with who you are than what you look like. |
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Goal Orientation refers to the drive to plan for the future versus the urge to live in the moment. People who score low on Goal Orientation are generally spontaneous and free spirited. They are likely to act on their first impulse and worry about the consequences afterwards and place a high value on being clever and lucky. People who score high on Goal Orientation, on the other hand, are more driven to think about future consequences before acting, place a high value on being wise and cautious, and like to always put their best foot forward. The dimensions of your profile that relate to your Goal Orientation are Industry, Ambition, Organization and Education. Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Industry: You are best suited to a woman who is hard-working yet still takes time out to relax. She is goal-oriented and enjoys accomplishing things, but she doesn't let it consume her. She likes to stay busy, but she isn't averse to a little fun once the work is done. Some additional details about your ideal mate:
Organization: Your ideal mate is the type of person who keeps her home neat and clean, without being obsessive about it. She likes to be structured at home, and make sure everything has its place. But she won't look down on you if you kick off your shoes and don't straighten them at the door. She's good at creating a home that's comfortable and welcoming, the perfect place to relax. |
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While day-to-day events play a major role in our feelings, there are deep-seated patterns of emotion that underlie our personality and stretch across the span of our lives. These patterns are considered your Emotional Temperament. People who score high on Emotional Temperament are generally upbeat about life and are slow to get upset in the face of minor setbacks or disappointments. People who score low on Emotional Temperament are more likely to experience feelings such as anxiety, anger and depression on a regular basis. The dimensions of your profile that compose your Emotional Temperament are Mood Management, Self-Concept, Emotional Status, Anger Management and Obstreperousness. Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Self-Concept: Your ideal match is someone who is self-assured and well-adjusted. She's confident, so she rarely gets overly defensive. Other people see her as someone who knows her strengths but who doesn't turn a blind eye to her weaknesses. Some additional details about your ideal mate:
Obstreperousness: Your ideal mate is someone who isn't afraid to stand up for her opinions, but doesn't always feel the need to do so. You need someone who has beliefs and confidence strong enough to match your own. However, you will not do well with someone who needs to dominate every conversation and win every argument. You will do best with someone who knows when to speak her mind, and when to just go along with the people around her. Anger Management: You will be happiest with a woman who controls her temper. Generally speaking, she has a long fuse. When she does get mad, she doesn't take it out on others or blame them for her frustration. |
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Many significant ingredients, like upbringing, family goals and spirituality combine to form a person's values and beliefs. Whatever form they take, your values are one of the most powerful determinants of your behavior. Values also play a large role in who we feel comfortable being around and who we find attractive. Dissimilarity in values generally causes discomfort or awkwardness in social situations. Although close friends, family and loved ones can often have one or two stark contrasts in their values, this is made possible by a greater number of shared values, backgrounds and experiences that provide a framework of comfort and similarity. When building an intimate relationship, establishing shared values early on is key to long-term success. The dimensions that we consider as part of your Personal Values are Traditionalism, Spirituality, Family Goals and Altruism. Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Spirituality: Your ideal mate's spiritual beliefs are the foundation of her character. She sets aside time for things like reading the scriptures, praying or seeking a higher guidance for her life. She wants to find a man who shares her beliefs. Some additional details about your ideal mate:
Altruism: Your ideal mate is someone who cares about the needy. She believes society is dependent on everyone to solve problems, so she turns her convictions into action. Perhaps she volunteers at the local soup kitchen or organizes a recycling or clothing drive. She's known for her willingness to do whatever she can to assist others. Family Background: Your ideal mate has a good relationship with her family, but it's not perfect. They enjoy spending time together but do have occasional disagreements. She's understands that family dynamics can work even when they're not perfect. |
© 2000-2006 EHARMONY.COM, INC. |
Friday, December 15, 2006
Random Quote Book...
And now for something completely different...
While browsing the kryptonian bookstore, I found the coolest book ever, well at least the coolest book that contains random literary quotes. Funny You Should Say That: Amusing remarks from Cicero to the Simpsons is a new fave, both hilarious and thought provoking. I think I shall be provoked to blog more frequently on some of them, if only for the laugh.
"The youth of the present day are quite monstrous. they have absolutely no respect for dyed hair." - Oscar Wilde Mr. Dumby in Lady Windermere's Fan, act 3 (1893)
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Quit WOW for a while...
I quit WOW... I was nominated for a guild officer-ship, which was an honor, but helped me to realize how much time I was spending in the game.
It was hard as I finally hit level 60 (The highest level) which is a requirement for all the end game content, viewed by many to be the best part of the game. Unfortunately it is also the most time consuming as quests and missions require 20-40 people to get together at one time to do them. This forces you into a certain schedule, up to 6 days a week 5 hours a day (Some professional guilds, yes, professional guilds raid 8 hours a day 5 days a week and between 12-14 hrs on weekends). This may or may not include time spent in game getting "consumables," items needed to put together potions or items that improve player performance in order to succeed in a particular mission or quest. I lay all this out to describe, in part a culture that has some participants, whose existence is greater in the game than it is in real life. This begs an interesting evangelistic question," How do you preach the Gospel to people so involved in a virtual reality?"
The religion in game is based on Light and Shadow, with demons and deities having a hierarchical relationship of superiority, traditionally determined by a cataclysmic showdown of force. There is no agape, no Christ in game. And while role playing is not a requirement, the constant saturation in pseudo-plot causes the mechanics and story to invade your consciousness. You may not "become" your character as you would in something much more insidious like Dungeons and Dragon's, but there remains an indelible imprint on some element of whatever you choose to call you, be it your soul or ego or consciousness.
Endless incredulousness
Is there something wrong with me that no one will tell me about, like some giant gorrilla that is sitting at the table during Thanksgiving dinner that no one talks about?
I mean, come on people! Why the heck can't I get a date? And I was asking her to the friggin' BALLET! It's the "Nutcracker!" Thats like uber-romantic, or so I am told...
Lemme fill in the source of my frustration... Last year about this time of year, a friend that I had been flirting with and talking to at work and I decide that we will actually take a go at an actual dating relationship. I am really jazzed and trying to be spontanious, thoughtful, and romantic, among other "prized" attributes, that I always hear that girls are supposed to be desiring. In hindsight, I may have gone over the top in that I bought her a black evening dress to go along for the evening (now I had checked with her peers, my female co-workers and various other female sources as to the wisdom of this idea).I was doing this all along the lines of thinking, "what girl doesn't like to get dressed up?" Another supposed girl thing, right?
What happens? Long story short, she stands me up a few hours before the actual event and I go by myself. Now don't get me wrong... I actually like the ballet, on top of that, I actually like getting dressed up. (I own three suits for exactly that, though I don't have many opportunities to use them). I had a great time, even though I was by myself.
Fast forward to this year, a few weeks ago. I decide to actually ask out a friend of mine from the Army, who is a Christian and goes to school near here. Same deal, I get the date set-up during a group outing to the Dead Sea Scrolls, but then when I ask her out for coffee she gives me the " I am really not in a place to be dating" line. Now, I don't really doubt her sincerity as she is capable of great introspection and may have found something that she really wants to work on before she engages in a dating relationship. Great... but, excepting that possibility, I am left with a horrible track record. I haven't "dated" in over 18 months, while being told that I am "going to make a great husband" and " I just haven't found the right one yet." Shallow solice for someone who has been through all the major venues of singles really available to me, church, school, internet, friends and networking, hell, I even tried the club scene while I was in Missouri. WTF am I supposed to be trying, the produce isle? (Artichoke hearts aside and country song's not withstanding)
Seriously, am I being deluded by society to think that women actually want a man who values communication, chivalry and virtue? That a guy who is quite comfortable watching and participating in dance, theatre and the arts while still being masculine enought to go pound down the hoops or toss the pigskin is appealing? How about one that knows how to cook and is willing to, opens the door for a lady, walks between a woman and traffic, offers his coat when she's cold? Damn, I live alone and I STILL put the seat down when I finish!
I admit freely that I am not Brad Pitt or McDreamy, but the fact that I listen to women and actually know who McDreamy is because I listen should get me some points, right? How about the fact that there is nothing that I would rather do than spend the rest of my life discovering the depths of a womans heart, with all its nooks and crannies, like the fact that she only likes Hershey's syrup on her ice cream when its raining, or that she has a special attachment to Troll figurines from her childhood, all the while knowing and discovering how the two of us reflect God's diametrical creation in each similarity and difference. I want to share my soul with someone and through that discover the intimacy that Christ seeks with his Bride, the Church.
I know the quips about "nice guy's finish last," but all I want to do right now is finish.
New Song...
One of these discoveries came after a night of searching, my new song from Secondhand Serenade... Yeah its emo and kind of mushy, but considering I spent about 4 hours browsing various musical styles and artists to find something that vaguely communicates how how I feel last night, this will serve until I find something better.
I like the TV shows "Scrubs" and "Grey's Anatomy" (Damn you and your good taste Jess!) though I blessed by being too disorganized to watche them consistantly.
I rearranged my apartment and it actually seems like I have a floor. That and all the empty boxes from moving have been broken down. Now all I have to do is find my key to my basement storage and finish moving them out.
I like clean laundry and it really clears up floorspace, but you already knew that.
I don't know what denomination I am yet, but have got an impressive list of what I am not...
Satan is really good at sabatoging a rapid individual spiritual revival. Using a combination of new discoveries and old habits, the best intentions are quickly brought to ruin. "Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner"
I am only beginning to understand the last line of the preceeding statement and I mean beginning the way that I am beginning to recite Pi completely by starting with "3"...
Monday, November 27, 2006
Back to the blog'o'sphere...
I feel like I need to come back here and begin to share what is going on because of sunday's sermon. I need to embrace my community and push for intimacy and transparency. But as I was wondering what I should write about, I am totally at a loss. Sure I could write about something intellectual and highbrow, something funny and full of wit, or some keen observation about my experiences over the last bit of time.
The fact of the matter is that I am much more preoccupied with how I feel at the moment. So lonely, empty and cold. Half of me wants to curl up and never see the world again and the other half wants to call some girl I know to be fast and easy (the fact that I don't really know any, but yet have a depraved side that would know exactly where to go online and what to say to talking to them), trying to get into her pants, in a desperate attempt to feel truely connected to somone. The reality is, I would fail at either and am instead left in a semi-detatched limbo. I have spent so much time pouring out of myself (emphasis on the "self"), attempting to be there for people, do my job, and generally hold my life togather. I just don't have it in me and it hasn't really been God working through me, but me working under my own strength. So I drain myself for other people and develop a talent to remain visibly calm on the surface of a problem which sets me up to completely crash in private. I can sink back into myself and my single apartment, my computer games, internet and the psuedo-anonynimity they offer.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Wow, what a small world.
So I am browsing the curse that is myspace.com and I run across all my old friends from high school. As I am reading through their various pages I come across one from a friend that I went to church with in Loma Rica. Low and behold she is here at Ft. Leonard Wood doing chemical training for the Air Force. FREAKY!
The story gets better though as this is the same girl who I ran into in the middle of Bellevue Square, right outside the place that I was working.... this being after I had moved from Northern California to college and then from college to Bellevue. So we have managed to run into each other it two different states on two different occasions... Weird... but at least it gives me someone to hang out with around here.
Monday, May 29, 2006
For all of you still reading this...
I am stuck in the middle of
I live in an open bay, basically a huge room with bunks down the walls and a row of wall lockers down the middle. I am the only practicing Christian that I know of and save a Mormon from
But enough of that... The weather has picked up nicely and after a harsh sun burn, I am tanning nicely (something that I would not be getting if I were in
I just read C.S. Lewis' poems for the first time and I was once again reminded of his genius. While they may not have been his forte nor focus they are light and merry and definitely worth reading.
That’s all for now, but I shall strive to post more in my free time either from the library or USO that’s on post. TTYL!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Church and an interesting Sunday
Decided to attend church off post this Sunday as the only service that chapel was holding started at 1115 and was titled "traditional." Now I am all about hymns and spiritual songs... but that wasn't exactly what I needed at this juncture. So I looked in the yellow pages for churches in the area, picked out the "Rock of Ages" interdenominational church, and called them up. They were great and gave me a ride to the service and then we fellowshiped over some asian food for lunch.
The service was quite a charasmatic experience though with the full swinging from the rafters speaking in tongues and words of prophecy coming out. Still don't know where I come down on alot of the areas but on thing that I did enjoy was their intigration of the children in the ministry. They invite the children to the front to dance and sing during worship and expect them to pray and minister according to their abilities. I have never seen such excited and motivated children in church. I admired it quite a bit.
Classes start tomorrow with PT bright and early at 0530. Thisis when the fun begins I guess... TTYL