Sunday, December 17, 2006

So true!

"There are two types of people--those who come into a room and say, 'Well, here I am!' and those who come in and say, 'Ah, there you are.'"
- Frederick L Collins

I said I would edit this with my thoughts so here goes...

I was trying to figure out which type of person I am and which person I want to be. This lead me to question which is actually better and I came to the conclusion that while the speaker implies the later to be the superior attitude, either can be appropriate. On self-reflection, I am definitely an observer who would comment about others first in most situations, even though my own interior monologue at the moment would be saying the opposite. It is almost completely a question of unpretentious self-assessment. For example, a performer unsure of their skill, suddenly pushed on stage, may utter under their breath, "Well, here I am!" and go on with the show, where as a parent who has spent the last half-hour searching Costco for their lost child, has been hear grumbling "Ah, there you are." Similarly, as God walked through the Garden of Eden after the fall of Man, He seemingly remarked "Ah, there you are." while due to their nakedness, Adam and Eve were very reluctant to voice the other sentiment. However, in order to receive restoration from that fall, there is a requirement to cease to attempt to patch ourselves and instead, present our brokenness and cry out "Well, here I am!" After which, having established a relationship with Jesus Christ, it is conceivable to say”Ah, here we are!" and push on towards the finish.

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