Friday, November 04, 2005

[International Questions] The Fall of the Eastern wall...

The vast majority of my readers know about "The Fall of the West," a coming event predicted by a noted professor at Biola, Dr. John Mark Reynolds.

However for those that don't know, his theory (in broad strokes) is that the lack of intellectual fortitude, characterized by current attitudes of relativism and subjectivism that currently pervade "The West," (that is the countries typically considered to have a dominantly "western" culture i.e. western Europe, Britain, U.S.A. , S. Korea, etc), will continue to lose ground to an eastern culture that has something to believe (i.e. Islam) because "you cannot compete against something with nothing." Reynolds theorized that the world was arriving at a "tipping point,” a point that the market saturation of secularism and relativism does not become the leading ideology, but effects enough people directly and muddles other ideologies enough that it will rapidly become a leading world view. Once this point has arrived church attendance and other indicators of a predominately Christian society will fall drastically. The degradation of a Judeo-Christian world view that reached a tipping point and then fell is easily observable in Britain where in the space for forty years, church attendance declined slowly from nearly ninety percent to nearly seventy percent and then in twenty years dropped to less than twenty five. It is from this ideologically weakened state that one is vulnerable to an ideological onslaught.

Such an onslaught has begun in the streets of Paris and continued for eight days. The New York Times published a story about the riots today, essentially attributing the cause to a widening gap between "the haves and have-nots"... what they fail to mention and the AINA (Assyrian International News Association) of all groups points out, is that while the majority of the rioters are poor immigrant youths, they are also all Muslim, virtually no other religious group is participating in the destruction.

They go on to describe a culture of immigrant enclave's...
"... so far from playing down the differences between ethnic groups, they
have instead stood by approvingly while immigrants formed non-assimilated
Islamic enclaves within Europe. Indeed, as Bat Ye'or demonstrates, they have
assured the Arab League in multiple agreements that they would aid in the
creation and maintenance of such enclaves. Ignorance of the jihad ideology among
European officials has allowed that ideology to spread in those enclaves,
unchecked until relatively recently."

Is there a possibility that such enclaves could form in idealogically depressed US? Should a cultural group be forced to assimilate? Has a fourth wave of Religious Idealogy crested the eastern wall of the west?

More to come...

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