Monday, May 23, 2005

I'm a gimp...

So in a twist of dramatic irony, I have been humbled physically. “Why is this ironic?” one may ask? Because during spring break I spent the entire time in Palm Springs with Ashley carrying her stuff around cause she had a knee immobilizer on; the ironic part, now I have one... for 2 weeks.

The short version of the story is that I was getting out of Scott's pool and there was a tile that stuck out about 3/4 inch. As I swung my left leg up, it cut me about a 1.5 inch laceration about .5 in wide and .5 inch deep. Didn't hurt really, I just saw red stuff (you know, blood) in a pretty sizable hole and reacted with direct pressure (My medic sense was tingling you know!), threw some gauze on it, taped it up and headed for an Urgent Care/ER. Well all the after hours clinics I knew of were closed, Whittier isn't an option unless someone is dying (See: Ashley's experience), Presbyterian had like 35 people in line, so we went to St. Jude Hospital. It was amazing. In and out in like 45 min. They have a "fast track" program (like "10 items or less") for people who have apparent diagnosis. You’re seen by a PA, patched up and sent on your way! It was cool and the PA was great. But now I have 6 stitches in my knee, and an immobilizer to keep from popping them out. I am hobbling everywhere and I have discovered how much the disability in one joint forces the others to compensate. My calves are killing me and I can't really stretch properly.

On an upside, this could give me preferential seating on the flight, though it may not which would really suck. It is going to put a damper on the first 5 days of Europe though... Luckily most of that is on the cruise and therefore not too much lugging of luggage and such. I will be taking my own stitches out there.

Anyway... I have the rest for the week to pack up my room, put it in storage and prep for Europe. I hope to do some good work on finding a place to live when I return, but it isn't a huge issue till after The Academy. Please be praying...

I will probably be switching personal posts over to another Blog, so that people who like my ideas can read this and people who want to know what’s going on with me personally can read "The Start of an Epic" though I am still working out the kinks out of the comments and such...

And that’s all I have to say about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OUCH! Hope that gets better soon! It _is_ nice, if you _must_ injure yourself while at school, to do so at the end of the semester, the airlines are so nice to cripples ;-)