Wednesday, August 10, 2005

[Stupid Questions] Ding Ding, Round One!

I have found possibly the most innane, useless and possibly evil endeavour conducted by a major company on the internet.

Witness AIM Fight... Where your not good enough if your friends arn't good enough. Ugh!

Apparently if your not socializing with the right people... its game over man, game over. I fail to understand why someone would value something like this? It is absolutly meaningless as the number of ones contacts means absolutly nothing.

I take that back... This site does demonstrate ones complete dependance on AIM or AOL, making it still as if not more deplorable as if it didn't mean anything at all.


~Jace said...

**Total Side Note:

Dennis' Birthday is in two days!
*Big hug.

What do you do when someone gets hurt? said...

Thanks Jace