Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Wow, what a small world.

So I am browsing the curse that is myspace.com and I run across all my old friends from high school. As I am reading through their various pages I come across one from a friend that I went to church with in Loma Rica. Low and behold she is here at Ft. Leonard Wood doing chemical training for the Air Force. FREAKY!

The story gets better though as this is the same girl who I ran into in the middle of Bellevue Square, right outside the place that I was working.... this being after I had moved from Northern California to college and then from college to Bellevue. So we have managed to run into each other it two different states on two different occasions... Weird... but at least it gives me someone to hang out with around here.

Monday, May 29, 2006

For all of you still reading this...

I am stuck in the middle of Missouri or as I refer to it as misery, at Fort Leonard Wood, where I am doing chemical training. At least that’s what they say... so far I have learned how to operate a few pieces of equipment that might detect chemical agents, but other than that I have been a glorified car washer in a protective suit. Ah well...

I live in an open bay, basically a huge room with bunks down the walls and a row of wall lockers down the middle. I am the only practicing Christian that I know of and save a Mormon from Utah the only conservative.

But enough of that... The weather has picked up nicely and after a harsh sun burn, I am tanning nicely (something that I would not be getting if I were in Seattle). It feels good to return to my California brown.

I just read C.S. Lewis' poems for the first time and I was once again reminded of his genius. While they may not have been his forte nor focus they are light and merry and definitely worth reading.

That’s all for now, but I shall strive to post more in my free time either from the library or USO that’s on post. TTYL!